Working with shapes and stories

My students in Drawing and Design worked on a project focusing on Positive and Negative Space. The students used references from a story they have read. They had to make the image 12X12″ and utilize positive and negative space. Creating simplified images to tell the story in a new perspective for the audience to read.

Here are a couple of examples:

Greek Myth, Sharpie Maker, 12X12″, 2018
Greek Myth, Sharpie Marker, 12X12″, 2018
Greek Myth, Sharpie Maker, 12X12″, 2018
Labors of Hercules, Sharpie Maker, 12X12″, 2018
Labors of Hercules, Sharpie Maker, 12X12″, 2018
Labors of Hercules, Sharpie Maker, 12X12″, 2018
Where the Red Ferns Grows, Sharpie, 12X12″, 2018
Where the Red Ferns Grows, Sharpie, 12X12″, 2018
Where the Red Ferns Grows, Sharpie, 12X12″, 2018




The students are now scanning these images into Adobe Illustrator to digitalizes their illustrations! Can not wait to share these works when they are finished!